Momentary View of New York  #107
October 28,  1998

Paradise of the desolate
street vendor, Black tar
dreams, Hot dogs
one dollar

Paradise of glass houses,
steel roses, taxi cab... .. blowjobs
one way streets
of perverted ambition

Each building; a bitmap
of what jeans we
are wearing now
what wine we will
thirst for tomorrow.
(All displayed within 256 bits of color.)

The overview of Manhattan;
Computer cables swarming with
ants walking down Broadway
or was it 29th Ave. or 47th
or 6th street

and I saw you there
dining on the sidewalk
in the

Paradise of white linen
tables, Red shoes, Gucci,

I overheard your conversations
of Blah Blah and blah blah
each sentence a well thought out
hyphenated Blurt-blah

and all I could think

When looking at you,
all I could think when
passing your table was
I wanted to tell you something

I wanted to tell you that you were going to hell
and me, well I'm just lost on my way to the subway