TV Antenna  #120
May 30,  1998

He bought
an antenna so that
he could watch x-files

I always thought
on Sundays you used me
for my TV
so I left you
with no other choice
but to fend for yourself
in radio shack
amongst antennas
ranging large to small

I haven't turned on
my television since
we last talked and you
always assumed I was
addicted and hated me
for your belief
"all television is crap"

When I get home
my keys
will be sitting on the counter
and your personals
will have been removed

Two white walls will crave
personality as you will have
removed the ironic pictures
you loved

I guess if love eludes you
in life you can at least look
at your picture
of "kiss at the hotel DeVille"

Me? I'm gonna live life
experience it
not look at it and question
why I am alone
because I have never been
I have always had me

You said you had problems
I was more than aware
the day you made baked
beans and was flustered
when I helped and didn't
see the need to use
measuring spoons

That was your character
strict to the book-
only one way of doing things
Your way
and everybody else
is simply lost.

Now you tell me you're lost
You have issues to face
and my response is
Ever think about throwing
out your measuring spoons
and winging it?