Will Somebody Read  #125
October 28,  1998

Someone once told me
that all poets should be killed
because we are self indulgent
I have to disagree
not to the point that most
aren't self indulgent but
that we have many eyes
in which we see the world
while other pitied souls (IMHO)
only have two
I can forgive myself
for having a thousand eyes
and 501 pointed on myself
Personally I stay on this earth
for the others, the bastards
whom I tolerate from day to day
The ones who can't see
or don't want to
I am here so I can tell them
what they are missing....

my friend agreed on that point but added
" but its those other bastards that are reading
the poetry."
My reply was...
"yeah I know, now ain't that the pisser."